Working at Centrale Lille

Today, Centrale Lille employs 225 teacher-researchers and 150 administrative and technical staff. As part of its development, our establishment regularly recruits new skills.

Welcoming new staff

Every year, Centrale Lille organises an induction day to give all new staff the opportunity to meet the school’s management team, the prevention advisor and other staff. Its aim is to make it easier for new members to take up their duties and integrate.

This day is an opportunity to distribute the Centrale Lille staff guide. This tool is designed to help you get to grips with the new working environment.

Gender Equality Index

The professional equality index in the civil service, created by Article 9 of the Law of 19 July 2023 aimed at reinforcing women’s access to responsibilities in the civil service, is mandatory from 2023 onwards for State civil service employers with at least 50 employees.

This level of performance is calculated on the basis of indicators that measure differences in the pay of civil servants and contract staff, promotions and access to the best-paid posts. This index takes the form of a score out of 100 points, with a minimum target of 75 points.

Centrale Lille Institut Maximum initial score initial PE score
equal pay for civil servants 40 37/40
equal pay for civil servants 40 36/40
ten highest earners 20 8/20

Our overall gender equality index score is 81/100.