Applying to Centrale Lille

The agreements between Centrale Lille and its international partners enable us to welcome more than a hundred students every year on degree-granting and non-degree-granting mobility programmes. It is also possible, without an inter-institutional agreement, to apply for one of the Masters degrees offered by Centrale Lille.

Apply for study mobility as part of a partnership

You are a student at one of Centrale Lille’s partner universities. Here is the procedure for applying for a placement on one of our courses :

For more information on the application campaign calendar, please consult the Centrale Lille Fact Sheet.  

If you are a student of one of the following partner universities:

  • Beihang University, China
  • Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
  • École Centrale Casablanca, Morocco
  • École Hassania Des Travaux Publics (EHTP), Morocco
  • Lebanese University, Lebanon

and wish to apply for a double degree in one of the master’s programmes at Centrale Lille listed on this page, the same procedure applies, only the dates differ. You must follow the schedule below:

Deadline for nomination: 1 March
Application deadline: 15 March


Applying on an individual basis

Your university is not a partner of Centrale Lille or you would like to undertake a non-accompanied mobility (as a freemover).  

We do not accept applications from freemovers. That said, as an international student, you have the opportunity to apply for one of our international Masters courses. Unlike exchanges organised under an agreement, students enrolling on a Masters course will have to pay registration fees, the amount of which depends on the Masters course chosen.

Course catalogue

Centrale Lille’s full range of courses, including all schools and programmes, can be viewed at the following page: 

 You will find each teaching unit and each course according to its semester/year of teaching. So it is important to know which course you want to study and at what level.  

If you have any doubts or questions about the level of study or the course catalogue, please contact the Office for International and Academic Relations. ().   

In addition to the course catalogue, descriptions of each of the programmes taught in English at École Centrale de Lille and ENSCL are available below: