Automatic control and electrical systems

Master Electrical Energy for Sustainable Development

chapeau de diplômé


Master 2 (bac +5) 


1 year




Villeneuve d’Ascq

Objectives :

The proposed units aim to train future engineers/researchers on electrical systems forsustainable development to become an actor in the energy transition by:

  • Innovating in the field of eco-responsible electrical systems
  • Integrating renewable energy production and improving its performance
  • Improving the energy efficiency of traditional electrical systems

The topics covered are power conversion, design of high performances electromechanical actuators, electric mobility, integration of renewable energy sources into the grid.

The aim of the course is to prepare students for a PhD in Electrical Engineering, which will enable them to acquire the necessary expertise to access R&D positions in the renewable energy sector and its applications.

Master 2


Job opportunities :

The opportunities concern all application sectors of Electrical Energy for the energy transition :

  • R&D in public and private research laboratories
  • R&D in companies of the electric energy sector and the energy transition
  • R&D in the automotive, railway and avionics sectors

Prerequisites and admission conditions

Access to Master 2

French or international student with an M1 or M2 level with :

  • good level in initial master and in english
  • good level in applied physics or electrical engineering (electricity, electronics, automatisation…)

Application Centrale Lille or Etude en France